Album 3
a) The Rodeway Inn+Suites, Gardiner-Montana (In Front Of Our HotelRoom)
b) The Rodeway Inn+Suites, Gardiner-Montana
c) The Rodeway Inn+Suites, Gardiner-Montana (Less Snow On Top Of Mountain By The Hour)
d) Gardiner (Montana), Located On The Northern Border Of Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming)
e) North Entrance Gate, Yellowstone National Park
f) North Entrance, Yellowstone National Park
g) SuperVolcano Land, Yellowstone National Park Is One Of the World's Largest and Most Active Calderas
h) Scenery Between North Entrance and Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park
i) Scenery Between North Entrance and Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park
j) Mammoth Hot Springs Visitor Center, Yellowstone National Park (North)
k) Mammoth Hot Springs Visitor Center, Yellowstone National Park (North)
l) CalderaForming Eruptions (Like The One That Formed Yellowstone) Are The Largest Eruptions On Earth
m) Volcano's Do Express Voilently Whats Going On Inside Our Planet, Mother Nature Ain't So Peaceful AfterAll..
n) Divergent(Constructive) + Convergent(Destructive) Boundaries + Hot Spots Form Volcanoes (And Earthquakes)
o) And Transform Faults Also Do Cause Voilent Earthquakes Btw (But Do Not Create Volcanoes)
p) Volcano-Earthquake-Tsunami Connection...Scary But Fascinating Facts
q) Tectonic (Continental+Oceanic) Plates Float On Top of FluidLike Solid Named Asthenosphere (Layer Below The Lithosphere)
r) Volcanic Features -HotSprings,MudPots,Fumaroles,Geysers (Travertine Terraces At Mammoth Hot Springs Only)
s) Mammoth Hot Springs Has Its Own Unique Volcanic Feature, Travertine Terraces (Interaction Of Water+LimeStone)
t) Mammoth Hot Springs, Travertine Terraces Seen From The Road (Tomorrow We'll Be Back @ Mammoth)
u) Learn How The Terraces At Mammoth Hot Springs Are Different Than Other Thermal Basins In Yellowstone
v) Next Stop Be Norris Geyser Basin
w) Scenery Between Mammoth Hot Springs and Norris Geyser Basin
x) Norris Geyser Basin
y) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin, Followed By Back Basin (In Between @ BookStore, Due To Local Rain+Thunder)
z) Yellowstone SuperVolcano - Norris Geyser Basin (Acidic Geysers, Steaming Fumaroles + Shimmering Boiling Pools)
zb) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zc) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zd) DANGEROUS GROUND. In Thermal Areas The Ground May Be Only A Thin Crust Above Boiling Hot Springs Or Scalding Mud
ze) Fumarole, Or Small Geyser (Located Behind Bench We Were Sitting On)
zf) Norris Geysers Basin - Porcelain Basin (Hot Springs, Fumaroles + Geysers)
zg) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zh) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zi) (MOVIE)Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zj) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zk) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zl) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zm) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zn) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zo) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zp) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zq) HotSpring Pools Often Appear Blue - Water Absorbs All The Colors Of Sunlight Except Blue (Reflected Back To Our Eyes)
zs) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zt) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zu) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zv) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zw) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zx) Different Colors Are Created By Bacteria+Algae Growing In the RunOff Channels, Mineral Deposits or Tiny Particles
zy) Trying To Catch That With The Camera... Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zz) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zza) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zzb) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zzc) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zzd) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zze) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zzf) (MOVIE)Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zzg) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zzh) (MOVIE)Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zzh) Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zzi) (MOVIE)Norris Geyser Basin - Porcelain Basin
zzk) HotSpot Caused Super-Volcanic Explosion 600,000 Yrs Ago. Area (Re)shaped By Epic Geologic Forces+Processes
zzl) Surface Water Seeps UnderGround, Is Heated By A Deep Source Of Magma, And Rises As Superheated Water
zzm) A Narrow Zone (Or Constriction) + Large Amount of Boiling Water Are Necessary For A Hot Spring To Erupt As A Geyser
zzn) SteamVents (a.k.a. Fumaroles). Small Amount of Water Boils Away, Leaving Steam+Other Gases To Escape
zzo) The Rotton Egg Oddor From The Realease Of Hydrogen Sufide Is A Link To The Area's Volcanic Past
zzp) And This Spring Smells Nasty!! (Emerald Spring - Back Basin)
zzq) Emerald Spring (Back Basin) Is A 27-Foot Deep Pool Lined With Yellow Sulfur Deposits
zzr) Yellow Color From Sulfur Combines With Blue Light Making The Hot Spring Appear Magnificent Emerald Green
zzs) Norris Geyser Basin - Exploring The Back Basin Now
zzt) Steamboat Geyser (Back Basin - Norris Geyser Basin)
zzu) Steamboat Geyser (Back Basin - Norris Geyser Basin)
zzv) Steamboat Geyser (Back Basin - Norris Geyser Basin)
zzw) Steamboat Geyser (Back Basin - Norris Geyser Basin)
zzx) Steamboat Geyser (Back Basin - Norris Geyser Basin)
zzy) When Steamboat Geyser Has A Major Eruption, The Deep Pool of Nearby Cistern Spring Drains Almost Completely
zzz) Cistern Spring (Back Basin - Norris Geyser Basin)
zzza) UnderGround Network, Cistern Spring (Back Basin - Norris Geyser Basin)
zzzb) Cistern Spring Drains When Steamboat Geyser Has A Major Eruption
zzzc) Gradually, Within Few Days After Steamboat Had A Major Eruption, Cistern Begins To Refill (Underground Network)
zzzd) Cistern Spring (Back Basin - Norris Geyser Basin)
zzze) Hot Springs Create Different Water Temperature Environments For Living Things
zzzf) Brown, Orange+Green Colors Represent Species Of Visible Algae+Bacteria, Each Requiring Different Temperature Environment
zzzg) DANGEROUS GROUND. In Thermal Areas The Ground May Be Only A Thin Crust Above Boiling Hot Springs Or Scalding Mud
zzzh) Hardy Communities of Tiny, Hot-Water-Adapted Organisms Can Thrive In Temperatures Too Hot For Humans To Tolerate
zzzi) Thermus Aquaticus (Found In RunOff Channels) Produces Enzyme Used In DNA Fingerprinting (Testing For Virus Causing HIV)
zzzj) Leaving Norris Geyser Basin, Next Stop Is Artists Paintpots!
zzzk) Artists Paintpots, 1 Mile Trail To Hydrothermal Area (Not Many People On Trail, Talking Loudly With Each Other - Bear Country..)
zzzl) Always Stay Alert Around Thermal Features! Change is the Only Constant. KEEP A LOOKOUT FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY
zzzm) Blood Geyser - Artists Paintpots
zzzn) High Conentration Of Iron Oxide In The Water Precipitates Out, Staining The Surrounding Rocks A Rich Red
zzzo) Artists Paintpots
zzzp) Artists Paintpots
zzzq) Artists Paintpots
zzzr) Artists Paintpots
zzzs) Artists Paintpots
zzzt) Artists Paintpots
zzzu) Artists Paintpots
zzzv) Mudpots! - Artists Paintpots
zzzw) Even Though Mudpots Are Extremely Hot, The Bubbles Are Caused By Steam+Carbon Dioxide Gases, Not Heat
zzzx) Underneath The Ground Here Is A Hot Water System With Hot Acidic Steam..
zzzy) (MOVIE).. This SuperHeated Acidic Steam Heats The Ground Above It Causing The Rocks To Dissolve Into Clay
zzzz) (MOVIE)The Bubbles Are Caused By Steam+Carbon Dioxide Gases (Not Heat)
zzzza) Artists Paintpots - DANGEROUS GROUNDS, Leaving The Boardwalk Or Trail Is Unlawful And Potentially Fatal
zzzzb) Artists Paintpots - Some People Put Their Lives In Danger Here (FootSteps) And Damaged Delicate Thermal Formations.
zzzzc) Artists Paintpots, Back At ParkingLot - Next, Heading Back To Gardiner!
zzzzd) Scenery Just Passed Norris Geyser Basin - Contstant Reminders We Are Finding Ourselves On Active Volcanic Grounds!!
zzzze) That Bison (Buffalo) Looked Straight Into Our Eyes !!! (Turn Of Road)
zzzzf) The Golden Gate Bridge (Just South of Mammoth Hot Springs)
zzzzg) The Golden Gate Bridge Was Built In 1885
zzzzh) The Golden Gate Bridge Was Rebuilt In 1900, 1933 and 1970
zzzzi) Rustic Falls - Golden Gate Canyon
zzzzj) Gardiner River and Canyon At Sunset
zzzzk) Gardiner River and Canyon At Sunset
zzzzl) Gardiner Canyon At Sunset, SomeWhere Along Our Way Crossing The Border Of Wyoming Into Montana
zzzzm) Gardiner Canyon At Sunset
zzzzn) Back In Gardiner, The Town Where We Are Staying At (Rodeway Inn+Suites)
zzzzo) Cute Town Of Gardiner At Sunset (Street Adjacent To North Entrance Gate Yellowstone National Park)
zzzzp) Most Restaurants In Gardiner Close Early at 9 PM
zzzzq) Fortuntely The Raven Grill Closes At Late (We Had Dinner There The Night Before)
zzzzr) Back At the Raven Grill, Enjoying Our Dinner, All By Ourselves!
zzzzs) That's How We Roll ... Bon Appetite!